The Milk Teeth

Yes, you guessed it right. I am very much describing the Tiny Little pearls, The Milk Teeth/Baby Teeth.
These are precious as they are the first teeth to erupt to adorn the two little upper and lower jaws as early as 8 – 10 months of Infants age up to 2 – 3 years of age.
The fundamental functions of baby teeth:
- Chewing food thoroughly helps to digest their food properly. This aids in improving their physical growth and development.
- Phonetics, talking and speech begin around the age of 12 months or 1 year onwards, which improves their cognitive and psychosocial development.
- Space holders: Space or jaw length is well maintained, preserved by these milk teeth to accommodate the prospective 2nd set of Teeth known as “Permanent Teeth”. Hence it is imperative to protect these milk teeth from cavities from the time of eruption till shedding/dropping
- The Permanent or Secondary teeth come out (erupt) along the pathway created by the roots of preceding Milk teeth.
Thus, we understand the need to preserve, protect and maintain these “Tiny little 20 Pearls” from Cavities/decays and infections.
Golden Rules to follow
- Use a cotton swab to clean the gum pads of babies after Breastfeeding / Bottle feeding.
- Once the 1st baby tooth erupts, use a Finger grip Brush (Parenteral) and clean the Teeth after feed
- Continuous or Prolonged and unattended night-time or Bedtime Bottle feed should be strictly discouraged
- The “Tell–Show-do” method of Brushing, Rinsing and Gargling by the parents to the kids aged” 2 or 3 years and above should be encouraged
- Use of Fluoride toothpaste and twice a day Brushing should be cultivated right at the Toddlers age.
- Plenty of water intake and a Diet rich in Fresh fruits and Vegetables should be followed.
- Frequent consumption of Sugary snacks, Sweets, Candy, or Sticky foods should be discouraged.
- Watching television, mobile phones or any distracting gadgets while eating should be strictly avoided, as this greatly affects the babies/kids eating and Chewing habits.
Last but not least, a “Dental visit” every Six months right from the Toddler stage should be mandatory. So, let us pave the foundation for the pillars to be strong enough.