Brushing your hair, cleaning up, brushing your teeth – carelessly making a cursory effort of your everyday schedule is natural.
Brushing your teeth consistently is not simply a method for keeping your mouth feeling clean. It is a method for keeping your entire body sound, as well.
The Indian Dental Association recommends brushing twice per day, for 2 minutes each time. When we brush accurately, it eliminates plaque development and bacteria housing between our teeth and on our tongue.
This helps to prevent gum infection and tooth decay !!
Focus and follow our steps towards battling plaque to clean your teeth and make your smile sound and healthy.

1. Choose the appropriate toothbrush
For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the best choice. Depending on how actively you brush your teeth, back and forth, medium- and hard-bristled brushes could damage the gums, root surface, and outer enamel tooth layer!!
Choose a toothbrush with a handle that fits your hand comfortably.
2. Swap the old toothbrushes
Know the shelf Life of your Toothbrush!!
A toothbrush in general has to be thrown out after a few months of usage, 3 months maximum!!
Observe for signs of frayed/worn-out bristles. If the bristles are tattered and can no longer stand up straight it is high time to change your toothbrush.
3. Brush twice a day
Brushing twice a day is vital. , helps to prevent tartar formation.
Brushing once a day is way better than not at all !!
Food can establish plaque in eight hours, which means that brushing once a day warrants lots more plaque on your teeth.,
4. Choose the right toothpaste
You must practice using toothpaste that contains fluoride. It removes plaque and strengthens the tooth enamel.
Choose a brand that suits your Oral conditions !!
Avoid Strong attractive coloured /Gel kind paste at any cost which abrades the teeth at a faster pace.
5. Choose the correct technique
Firstly, apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
Hold your toothbrush at a 45° angle while brushing the front of your teeth.
Relatively moving across your teeth, you should brush with tiny circular motions.
Clean the insides of your teeth by opening wide and angling your brush toward the gum line.
6. Be calm and soft
Brushing your teeth briskly does not mean you are doing a superior job of cleaning.
Energetic brushing can damage both the tooth enamel and gums.
Toothbrushes wear out very quickly if you are brushing too hard.
Always soft and gentle brushing is recommended.
7. Brushing for an extended time
Brushing too rapidly is a common mistake since cleaning your teeth can be dreary. Work your way gradually around your mouth, devoting at least ten seconds to every area.
On the whole, you should spend a minimum of two brushing your teeth.
8. Brush your tongue
Yes, your toothbrush is not just for your teeth alone, they are also used on the tongue to remove the bacteria which are hard to remove. Mouthwash is not always effective, so brushing is essential.
Simply naively brush your entire tongue with fresh toothpaste, stretching as far as it is comfortable into your mouth.
9. Rinse and clean your toothbrush
After you have completed brushing, your toothbrush will have lots of bacteria settled on it.
If you do not clean your toothbrush, you will simply reinstate those bacteria the next time you try to clean your teeth.
Wash your toothbrush under free-flowing water for a few seconds, then dry it out completely.
10. Flossing is essential
Flossing is the main constituent of cleaning your teeth that are most often left out. Do not make this blunder. So complete brushing with flossing.
A small bit of food debris gets stuck between the teeth, and flossing is the only way to remove them and it is as effective as brushing your teeth.
Floss between all your teeth once a day at least after food, preferably before bedtime.
Brushing your teeth is indispensable to oral health. Tooth problems can be both expensive and aching.
Teeth brushing is the perfect way to remove the bacteria that can plaque, which leads to cavities and gum disease.
As it is important to brush your teeth in the right way, it is very vital to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups!!